Founder's Notes
A pursuit of passion and labour of love...
As an artisan maker, walking the unexpected path of passion project turned brand, I often forget that not everyone who joins us, knows our story. Whether you've just discovered WICK, or you've been quietly watching from a distance, I'd like to personally invite you to join the olfactory journey.
'It was a journey that was once mine alone, that I now gratefully share with a passionate team, and fellow scent lovers. '
How it all Started...
WICK started on my dining room table, and later took shape in my kitchen. It was never the plan to create a brand. The crafting of niche fine fragrance was strictly a personal pursuit.
The juxtaposition that is fragrance creation became so very captivating. A rare balance of both art and science that spoke directly to the core of who I am: A creative soul and custodian of "the details". A technical mind and lover of the arts. The same nuance found fine fragrance aligned so perfectly with the construct of my mind, sparking an insatiable curiosity, that led to a deep passion.
The result of which has reached far beyond what I could have ever imagined. This shan't be short:
Whilst I have always connected to the experience of scent, and subscribed to fragrance as a means of personal expression, when I finally had the skills , tools and knowledge to create my own, I wanted to make fragrance that had a unique point of view. Scent that had depth and complexity, that was soulful, subtle, and yet still surprising.
Within this artistic pursuit, I developed a deeper technical understanding of perfumery. Quickly realising that wether the nose is trained, or untrained, fragrance always tells the truth. What you put in, is what you get out - great fragrance cannot hide from quality. I loved the simplicity of this truth-telling medium. It inspired a firm foundation of quality-first sourcing.
As I journeyed through fragrance creation, it became isolating. I wanted to share my passion with friends and family. After a few attempts, I realised that fragrance in it's raw and most concentrated form is difficult, and probably quite uninteresting to experience as a layman. This inspired me to explore products in which my fragrances could live - a medium I could share and gift, and others could easily understand.
My love of candles lead to a natural first product. Without much thought, I embarked on candle making. A home for my fragrances, and a welcome gift. In hindsight, it was probably the most complicated of scented products to perfect. As someone who is never satisfied with anything less than perfect, it was a misguided choice. Of course it was also mandatory that my products reflected my personal aesthetic - an affinity for minimalist design.
The complex process of marrying fragrance, formulation and design on a micro-scale was frustrating. An unnecessarily ambitious undertaking for a girl wanting to create gifts for family and friends, but perhaps the best possible foundation for what came next. An early challenge from which I learnt so much.
The challenge further fuelled curiosity, and grew my passion. It built a skillset in sourcing and creativity that unknowingly would build a business. The eventual feedback from my inner circle fuelled confidence and an awareness that perhaps, my concept had a real place in the world. I found myself so fully invested, and soon, the idea of WICK as a brand, started to take shape.
From humble market beginnings, to a covid-Induced online store, and now a recognisable brand. Born during uncertain times, into a notoriously crowded space. Run by a founder with self-taught technical skills and little industry knowledge. WICK's journey is an unlikely success story. I have no doubt that fate, timing, luck and lady chance all played their part. But so did passion, hard work, long hours, sacrifice, and consistency. A strong belief, in a few simple philosophies has weathered every storm:
A commitment to Authentic Creation. Design, fragrance, product and decisions inspired solely by the love of creation. A concept seeded by a brand born from a personal pursuit, still independently owned. We enjoy a rare freedom, free from influence and unbridled in our approach.
Uncompromising Quality. The continuous pursuit of improvement - wanting to deliver better at every chance, because we are personally connected to what we put out into the world.
Artisanal craftsmanship. Pouring the love of passionate people into every step of our process. The details matter, they're best done by hand.